We have a wide variety of programs for every age and interest. Learn more about our program options, view the available dates, and mark your calendars. We can’t wait for you to join us on the shores of Lake Huron!
Code | Date | Session Name | Age | Cost - Option A | Cost - Option B | Cost - Option C | Waitlisted | Limited Spaces |
K2K3LIT | July 6- July 18 | Leader in Training (LIT) | 16-17 | $1375 | $1475 | $1575 | No | Yes |
K2DIS | July 6- July 11 | Jr. Discovery | 7-10 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K2ODA | July 6-11 | Int. Outdoor Adventure | 10-14 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K2VOK | July 6-11 | Volunteers of Kintail (VOK) | 14-17 | $710 | $785 | $860 | No | No |
K2DAY | July 7-11 | Day Camp (Goderich Bus) | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
K3ODA | July 13-18 | Jr. Outdoor Adventure | 7-10 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K3DIS | July 13-18 | Int. Discovery | 10-14 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K3VOK | July 13-18 | Volunteers of Kintail (VOK) | 14-17 | $710 | $785 | $860 | No | No |
K3SODA | July 13-18 | Sr. Outdoor Adventure | 13-16 | $765 | $855 | $905 | Yes | No |
K3DAY | July 14-18 | Day Camp | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
K4PLIT | July 20 - July 25 | Pre-Leader in Training | 14-16 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K4DIS | July 20 – July 25 | Jr. Discovery | 7-10 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K4INT | July 20 – July 25 | Int. Outdoor Adventure | 10-14 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K4VOK | July 20 – July 25 | Volunteers of Kintail (VOK) | 14-17 | $710 | $785 | $860 | No | No |
K4DAY | July 21 – July 25 | Day Camp (Goderich Bus) | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
K5SPRTO | July 27 – July 30 | Sprouts Try-Out | 5-7 | $540 | $610 | $680 | No | No |
K5JRTDTO | July 27 – July 30 | Jr. Discovery Try-Out | 7-10 | $540 | $610 | $680 | No | No |
K5IODATO | July 27 – July 30 | Int. ODA Try-Out | 10-14 | $540 | $610 | $680 | No | No |
K6FAM | August 1 – August 4 | Family Camp | All Ages | See retreat pricing | See retreat pricing | See retreat pricing | No | No |
K7K8LIT | August 5 - August 15 | Leader In Training (LIT) | 16-17 | $1375 | $1475 | $1575 | No | No |
K7JRTO | August 5 – August 8 | Jr. ODA Try-Out | 7-10 | $540 | $610 | $680 | No | No |
K7INTD | August 5 – August 8 | Int. Discovery Try-Out | 10-14 | $540 | $610 | $680 | No | No |
K7VOK | August 5 – August 8 | Volunteers of Kintail (VOK) | 14-17 | $505 | $575 | $645 | No | No |
K7DAY | August 5 – August 8 | Day Camp (Goderich Bus) | 5-13 | $265 | $300 | $335 | No | No |
K8JODA | August 10 – August 15 | Jr. Outdoor Adventure | 7-10 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K8IDIS | August 10 – August 15 | Int. Discovery | 10-14 | $765 | $855 | $905 | No | No |
K8VOK | August 10 – August 15 | Volunteers of Kintail (VOK) | 14-17 | $710 | $785 | $860 | No | No |
K8DAY | August 11 – August 15 | Day Camp | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
K9DAY | August 18 – August 22 | Day Camp | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
K10DAY | August 25 – August 29 | Day Camp (Goderich Bus) | 5-13 | $320 | $355 | $395 | No | No |
What price do I choose?
Camp Kintail offers flexible pricing with 3 choices for our camp sessions. Every family can choose the level of payment that is right for their situation. Option A is the traditionally subsidized rate, Option C is the rate that is more representative of the true cost of camp, while Option B is the mid-point. The option you choose in no way affects your campers time at Kintail.
How do I pay?
No deposit is taken at the time of registration. The top of your screen during the registration process will give more information about selecting your payment method. You can pay by credit if you choose, however you do not need to input a credit card when you register. To bypass the credit card option just select “Pay by cash or cheque” and use one of the payment methods below.
Credit Card: Set up a pending payment with your credit card and it will be automatically charged a few days before your camp session begins. If you missed this step, give us a call and we will help you get it set up!
EFT: The week before your camp, send an e-transfer to grow@campkintail.ca with the password set to kintail (all lowercase)
Cash or cheque: Bring cash or cheque when you arrive or mail cheques to 85153 Bluewater Highway, RR3 Goderich Ontario, N7A 3X9 with the name of your camper written in the memo line.

Camp Programs
Day Camp
Choose the day camp session that suits you this summer then join us for fun-filled days spent here at Camp Kintail. Campers swim, canoe, make crafts, and learn about their faith in their own cabin group. A hot and tasty catered lunch will be provided everyday and campers will have the opportunity to grab fruit from our snack bar throughout the day for an extra snack! Drop off is 9:00AM – 9:30AM and pick up is 4:30PM – 5:00PM with these camps running from Monday to Friday. Start every day with a smile from staff as you arrive and bring home memories to share at the end of each day!
Goderich Bus Weeks
Bus departs from Knox Goderich Church, Newgate Street Parking Lot sharply at 8:45am. Campers can then be picked up from the same parking lot at 5pm. There will be a Kintail staff member to sign-in campers and ride the bus to and from camp with them.
K2DAY - July 7-11
K4DAY - July 21 - 25
K7DAY - Aug 5 - 8
K9DAY - Aug 18-22
Kincardine Bus Week - K3DAY - July 14-18
Knox Presbyterian Church, 345 Durham St, Kincardine, ON N2Z 1Y6
Bus departs sharply at 8:45 from Knox Presbyterian Church Kincardine (345 Durham Street) with evening pick up at the 5:00PM. Show photo ID to the Kintail staff member riding the bus to sign-in/ sign out campers.
Lucknow Bus Week - K10DAY - Aug 25-29
The bus will leave from the parking lot of the tennis court just to the north of Lucknow Presbyterian Church at 8:45am. Campers can then be picked up from the same parking lot at 5pm. There will be a Kintail staff member to sign-in campers and ride the bus to and from camp with them.
Overnight Camp
Looking for some adventure this summer? Then Discovery Camp is perfect for you! A fun filled week of exploration, cabin bonding, and sunny days on the shores of Lake Huron. Create memories everywhere – whether you’re soaring the skies at our High Challenge Course or creating the perfect craft to bring home. End each day with a campfire before going back to your cabin to rest.
Our other overnight camp program is Outdoor Adventure! This camp is perfect for campers who love the outdoors! Outdoor Adventure Camp offers the chance to have fun while learning new outdoor skills. Part of the excitement is having 2 of their 3 daily meals outside at their campfire with fellow campers and staff! One meal is takeout from the dining hall and enjoyed at the outdoor adventure unit area, one meal is cooked at the campfire at their unit area, and one meal is eaten at the MacDonald Lodge dining hall. From shelter-building to nature hikes and participating in classic camp activities such as archery and kayaking – your camper is sure to enjoy their week at camp!
Overnight camps run from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon. Register today for an unforgettable week at Kintail!
Sprouts & Try-Out Camp
This three day camp is a wonderful introduction to camp life. Campers fill their days with crafts, nature activities, swimming, games, Bible stories, and campfire songs. Each child is busy all day long and goes to bed happy and tired. This is a ‘Try-Out” camp, meaning that we introduce campers to a shortened version of the camp week. Campers will attempt as many of the camp activities as the schedule permits within their two full days at camp. Drop off and pick-up for this camp will be specified closer to the date.
Volunteers Of Kintail (VOK)
Work towards your academic volunteer service hours while still creating fun summer memories with us at Camp Kintail! While some of the day is dedicated to work projects – such as site maintenance on the hiking trail or adding new stones along a pathway to help with erosion, the other portion of the day is spent in classic camp activities such as high ropes and waterfront! These camps run from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon. What’s the best part? These volunteer weeks offer participants the chance to receive 20 service hours, help improve the site, all while still participating in classic camp activities. Who said you can’t have fun while you work?
Family Camp
Come and enjoy the fun, fellowship, great food, and special events that make Family Camp a great holiday for the whole family! Staff offer traditional camp activity programming for the children, special sessions for the adults, and family activities. Families are welcome to participate in as much or as little as they wish. Come be a part of this great Kintail tradition!
In the mornings, Camp Kintail’s staff lead the children in a variety of camp activities including watercraft, high challenge course, arts & crafts, FLASH, and more! During this time, adults are welcome to attend adult only sessions. In the afternoon, activities are offered for the whole family to enjoy together. During the evenings we offer exclusive adult time in the lodge while our staff will be available to look after your campers. On Sunday morning, we worship together in the beautiful outdoor Chapel. On Sunday evening, the famous “Kintail Players” talent show is a highlight of the weekend; come with an act in mind or a performance to share with the rest of camp. Your family will receive an email before camp starts to share what this year’s theme will be so that you can bring dress up clothes. We hope to have your family join in the fun at camp this summer!
Pre- LIT
Pre-LITs will gain valuable skills relating to leadership at home, school, and in the community as well as ORCKA certification in flat-water canoeing. They will also learn about teamwork through games, initiatives, and activities. FLASH is a time of exploration of leaders from the Bible. This is sure to be an epic week of fun, friendship, and fostering new confidence and skills.
Leader In Training (LIT)
Leaders in Training (LITs) spend two weeks at Kintail during the summer, living in community and developing essential leadership skills. While in the program, LITs stay in the Nest and work closely with their LIT Resources Counsellors. The program focuses on leadership, communication, creative counseling, and more, with plenty of adventures and opportunities to make lasting memories.
After completing the two-week program, LITs have the option to return to camp for additional in-cabin weeks. During these in-cabin weeks, LITs practice what they’ve learned, gaining hands-on experience as they work alongside the Kintail staff. If an LIT is participating in the next week's cabin session, they can stay through the weekend. If not, they must go home at the end of their current session.
While participating in their in-cabin weeks, LITs will have the chance to engage in check-ins and sessions with other LITs. They will also lead a FLASH (Faith, Learning, and Sharing) session, run a campfire, prepare morning chapel, lead a morning activity, and assist the cabin counselors. In-cabin weeks will be determined in person by discussing desired return dates with the LIT RC. There is no need to coordinate desired in-cabin weeks in advance or during the registration process.
Registration Help
Log-in to your registration portal to sign-up for our retreats, get-aways, and camp sessions! If you can’t remember your password, just click “forgot password,” if you aren’t sure which e-mail your account requires you can always call the camp office and we’ll be happy to help. You can use this portal to review your account, update any forms, and find invoices from previous years.
I don’t see the session I am trying to register for?Adult registration: Check that you have input your birthday. Our registration softwares triggers pricing and eligibility based on age, if your birthday is left blank the session you are hoping to attend may not appear. There is also a chance that the session you are trying to book has filled, you can check capacity for your desired session by calling the camp office. Camper Registration: It’s likely that your camper is not the correct age for the camp you are trying to register for, or the registration has filled. Double-check the age requirements and call the camp office if you have questions or would like to discuss options!
Have a camper who is 9 turning 10? Or 4 turning 5? Here's what to know.Campers who are 9 turning 10 can choose between the Jr. programs (7-10) or the Int. programs (10-14). Cabins are sorted by age to the best of our abilities, but depending on the registrations that week they may be in a cabin with children who are older or younger than them. You know your camper best and we leave it to you to decide which age/ session is best for them! The software will allow you to register for either Jr. or Int. programs. If your camper is coming with a friend, be extra careful to enroll in the same session! Children who are 4 turning 5 may register for our Day Camp program if they have completed a full year of kindergarten, need no assistance in the washroom, and can change for the beach by themselves. We do not recommend children who are 4 turning 5 enroll for our overnight Sprouts program. The software will allow you to register for Day Camp.
How do I register for a Weekend Away?You can register your whole family just like you would for overnight or day camp. You can find a tutorial on our youtube channel!
I’m trying to plan next summer, when will your overnight and day camp schedule be released?You can check our website, follow our social media and subscribe to our newsletter to ensure you’re one of the first to know when registration will launch, dates are usually released at the end of the year, and registration usually opens in February.
Which price do I choose?Whichever is best for your family! The price you select in no way affects your experience at Kintail. You can learn more about our flexible pricing here!
A church or organization will be paying for all or part of my camp, how do I complete my registration?Register just like you would for any typical camp or retreat. At the end instead of typing in your credit card information, you can click “Pay by cash or cheque.” Please reply to your confirmation e-mail or call the office and let the administrator know where your payment will be coming from and we’ll gladly make a note on your account!
I have a few more questions before I register, who can I contact?We would be happy to help you with all things registrations! Call the camp office at 519-529-7317 or send us an email at admin@campkintail.ca
Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend overnight camp?While vaccinations are strongly encouraged, they are not mandatory for participation in a Camp Kintail summer program. All public health requirements of Huron Perth Public Health and the province of Ontario will be followed, and additional protections may also be required. You can find any COVID updates on our website, social media, or our newsletter. With further questions, please call us at 519-529-7317.