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An LIT group hold hands in the air, facing away from the camera. One person has a guitar.

Leader in Training Program

The Leader in Training (LIT) program has been an important part of the Kintail community for decades. It is an opportunity for youth ages 16-17 to form close, life long relationships with folks they may otherwise never have had a chance to meet! LITs live and work together in a community at camp, all while learning and growing in God's creation. LITs will still get to enjoy all the fun activities our campers experience here at Kintail!

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What does an LIT's time at camp look like?

LITs will come to Kintail for two weeks of the summer to live in community. Kintail's LIT Resource Counsellors lead the group through all their sessions, fun activities, and are their go-to person for any questions or needs throughout their time here. 

During the two week program, LITs will have a chance to try out everything- from archery, arts and crafts, high ropes, the giant swing, beach time, chapel, outdoor living skills, and more! It’s the “and more” that really allows LIT to shine. Sessions on topics like leadership, communication, creative counselling and more, team-building exercises, and time for conversation, creating memories and personal reflection are what set this camp session apart.

LITs are then welcome to return to camp to volunteer! They will spend their time learning from the Kintail Staff how to be a cabin counsellor or support staff member. Throughout their time in cabins or working with the support staff, the LITs will participate in check-ins and sessions with the other LITs. They will lead a FLASH (Faith, Learning, and Sharing) session, run a campfire, prepare morning Chapel, lead a morning activity, and assist the cabin counsellors. 

After completing our Leader in Training program, participants will have gained valuable life skills to help them in their final years of high school and in the work place. LIT participants often work on staff at Kintail the next summer, and have great experiences to draw from as they help bring the magic of camp to children week after week.

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LIT’s at Camp Kintail stay in our newest, year round building called ‘the Nest.’ There are dormitory style rooms with air conditioning and lots of space. The washrooms are designed to be comfortable and flexible for living in community with private spaces for showering and toilets. During the two week program, all campers will live in this space together. Then, LIT's have the opportunity to volunteer at Kintail! LIT’s will stay in cabin with other staff and campers as they learn more about what it means to be a leader at camp and in community.

The exterior of the nest. You can see the front porch and parking lot. A little bit of the garden can be seen in the image.
The interior of a room in the Nest. You can see 5 bunk beds and a desk with a chair by the window.
The interior of a cabin. You can see 5 bunk beds, a change room and the back door.
The exterior of Sycamore cabin. You can see the path beside, the front porch and some trees.
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